Javascript Menu by Boy Scout Troop 374, St. Louis Area Council BSA
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Tuesday   February 18, 2025   10:54 pm   Greater St. Louis Area Council BSA, St. Louis, MO. USA

Why Join Scouting?

Scouting will allow for you to:

  • Make some of the best friends you'll ever make in your life!
  • Go on camping trips to some of the best places. Even places where the average public is not allowed!
  • Learn some very valuable skills that can help you in your future life!
  • Have experiences that you will remember for the rest of your life!
  • Remember the time you spend as a youth as the most enjoyable part of your life!

Scouting is about learning skills that you'd never learn in any other youth group. Sure you learn how to tie knots but you also learn First Aid, Outdoor Skills and Navigational Skills. It's all about learning how to survive, not just in the woods but in the real world as well! Scouting offers over 100 different topics to learn about. They cover topics from Sports, to Indian Lore, to White Water Rafting and Back Packing.

Since 1910, these principles have been taught in an atmosphere of recreation and fun, which allow young people to develop self-confidence, leadership and moral character. More and more men, trained as Scouts, are taking their places in today's world as responsible adult leaders. Men, who earned badges as Scouts, sit on the Supreme Court and in the chambers of Congress. Others hold important offices in our government, business and industry. Most of the members of Congress were Scouts, as well as most of the astronauts who have walked on the moon. The long list of famous Scouts includes:

John F. Kennedy President of the U.S. Boy Scout
Neil A. Armstrong First person to set foot on the Moon Eagle Scout
Gerald Ford President of the U.S. Eagle Scout
Steven Spielberg Film Director Eagle Scout
J. Willard Marriott, Jr. President of Marriott Corporation Eagle Scout
William C. Devries, M.D. Transplanted First Artificial Heart Eagle Scout
Sam M. Walton Chairman/CEO, Wal-Mart Eagle Scout
Barber B. Conable, Jr. President, World Bank Eagle Scout

The Boy Scouts of America is the largest youth-oriented organization in the United States. More than 4 million boys and leaders are currently registered in the Boy Scouts of America.

So that everyone is mixing with their own age group, the Scouts are divided into groups:

Ages Group
1st Grade Tiger Cubs
2nd to 5th Grade Cubs
6th to 12th Grade Scouts
Age 14-18 Venturers

Want to know more? Check out the video's below!