February 18, 2025  
10:42 pm
Greater St. Louis Area Council BSA, St. Louis, MO. USA
Troop 374's Eagle Nest
Welcome to our Eagle resource page.
Troop 374 has a unique to program that we pride ourselves on:
All new Eagles are eligible for a High Adventure scholarship program that we award to Scouts that earn their Eagle rank. Very few units offer such an opportunity! See note 1
We have listed all of our Eagles and several of their projects.
If you earned your Eagle rank while a member of Troop 374, we would like to hear from you.
Alumni Eagles are encouraged to submit their own resume or summary of their project. Information about your project will help our Life scouts in their quest for Eagle.
If you have lost contact with other Eagle Scouts from the troop, we would like to include your email address on this page.
Contact our Scoutmaster for more information.
We do not print the last names of members under the age of 21 without permission.
We would like to acknowledge your full name. Please contact the
Scoutmaster for details on giving us permission.
Note 1: There will probably be a $400.00 cap set for all Eagles earned after September 1, 2007.
To qualify for the free high adventure trip, the scout must be "ACTIVE"
in the unit and the rank of Eagle must be earned BEFORE their 17th birthday.
There can be NO "emergency" board of reviews!
To be considered "ACTIVE" a Scout must attend at least 3/4 of the meetings and
activities. Also, the Scout must have attended the most recent (past) Troop Summer Camp.
Exemptions MAY be made from the committee for Scouts that travel long distances
or work at least 4 nights during the week (~16 hours on weeknights).
Lastly, Scouts that transfer into Troop 374 from other units must be active in
the troop for at least 12 months and also complete their Eagle Project AND
hold an *elected* leadership position as a member of Troop 374.