Javascript Menu by Boy Scout Troop 374, St. Louis Area Council BSA
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Friday   July 26, 2024   11:01 pm   Greater St. Louis Area Council BSA, St. Louis, MO. USA

Troop 374 - Pictures from "2005"

2005 Spelunking

Go underground with the 21 brave soles that ventured into Illinois Caverns. Click here to see pictures of the sloppy adventure!

Summer Camp 2005

Great Summer Camp! 39 Scouts and leaders had a great time. Click here to see pictures!

Wingfield Military Veteran

Check out these pictures of an Eagle Scout serving in Bagdad! Click here to see them!

Philmont 2005

Impossible to describe how great this High Adventure trip is. Click here to see the great time everyone had! !

2005 Shiloh, Tennessee

The weather was perfect AGAIN! Everyone had a great time. Click here to see pictures of our annual trip to this famous Civil War Battlefield!

Freeze Out / Klondike 2005

Our Freeze out and Klonkike were two weekends back to back! We had SNOW both weekends! Click here to see pictures!

2005 Haunted House

Our 17th annual Haunted House was again a success! Attendance was down for the weekend nights so NEXT year will be back to week nights. Thanks to all who came! Click here to see your picture! Members may see the internal pictures inside the "Members Only area".

2005 Tumble Drum

February was another Tumble Drum Lock-in! Pictures may be seen by Clicking Here